Interchain NFTs + Metadata
New open standards for tokenising resources within
the Internet of Blockchains
InterNFT Working Group
A community-led initiative to develop Interchain standards that will advance the state of the art for Non-fungible Tokens and the Metadata associated with uniquely identified tokenised resources.
Our mission is to make NFTs interoperable across blockchain networks. To enable ownership, control and rights management of NFT metadata and linked resources, regardless of where these are located.
Interested in Joining the InterNFT Working Group? Click here!
Want to Participate in developing next-generation Interchain standards and share your use-case requirements?
Click to participateContributors
This open collaboration was initiated by the Interchain Foundation and is facilitated by ixo (The Internet of Impact) together with AssetMantle.
Interchain Foundation grants along with the collaborative development of developers from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and other development teams worked to further expand the capabilities of Cosmos SDK